A Place where the Early Settlers No Longer Stir

A Place where the Early Settlers No Longer Stir

By now our readers know we love to venture beyond the city centers, the main highways and behind overgrown vegetation….

The recent trip to South Carolina gave us an opportunity to visit an unusual site. A place most folks would prefer not to tread. Not a happy place but solemn. This is the kind of place for remembrance and reflection of the folks that have come before, made their own individual contributions good and bad.

The church here has been long forgotten and I suspect that most of these markers are without a story. Yet somehow we can wonder about their origins and and find solace that we too will someday take the eternal nap.

Situated on the edge of a rural community founded in the mid 1800’s – McClellanville, SC, we couldn’t resist stopping to pay homage with a few images.

Some might say this is neglect, I’d say they’ve been left to slumber in peace.

Chris Pipes

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