19 Jun Pop Shaffer
There once was a time a long while back in the history of New Mexico that a fellow named Clem “Pop” Shaffer lived. He arrived into the “happening” little town of Mountainair in 1908. Later in his life (15 years) he was evidently convinced to turn his old mechanic shop/building into a Frontier Hotel for the weary railroad men that were doing business in the vicinity. NOTE: Please be sure to click on the pics so you can see more detail.
As I’m penning this I realize that I really don’t have any details from which to accurately tell his story – so to be brutally honest, I’m giving our readers the “gist” of what we learned via word of mouth, reading the framed articles and such in the lobby of the vintage Shaffer Hotel.
Someone locally had told us that there was a cool old hotel on the other side of town (Mountainair) that was on the market for $50K. The next day we took a day trip and drove down to the hotel from our camp site up at Manzano Mountains State Park. The price, the terms “old”, and “hotel” was very intriguing to me since I spent most of my career working in the resort hotel business.
So glad we took the drive over to see Mountainair and to see the hotel. While outside photographing we were met by an ambitious dog that broke the collar trying to run across the street to meet our schnauzer Pickle. About scared me to death but fortunately the dog was very friendly. The dog’s owner rushed over to apologize for the bum rush on our dog and turned out to be one of the new owners of the hotel.
The friendly lady was Martina vonKutzleben wife of Ed. Both had every possible attribute to be excellent hoteliers as they were welcoming, friendly and anxious to tell us with excitement about their big new project! Martina gave Liz and I a nice tour of the hotel and we enjoyed seeing the property and understanding the extent of the work ahead for the 96 year old structure. Ed was fun to talk with and he shared with us about his ideas for the renovation, the restaurant concept and more. Ed seemed to be pretty handy with tools and as such he’ll be able to do much of the work.
The property is one of the very few remaining Pueblo-Deco buildings in existence and has been placed on the National Historic Registry. The hotel was built with 19 rooms and a few are referred to as “Cowboy” rooms since they don’t have private bathrooms.
I’ve had some contact with Pop Shaffer’s family via Facebook. Steve Shaffer I suspect is a Grandson and Stephanie Sams is maybe a Great Granddaughter? I’m hoping that they might be able to chime in on Facebook and give us all more insights about the family and history on Clem and this very cool old hotel.

We’re excited for the future of the hotel and wish Martina and Ed the very best of luck with the renovations and reopening of this classic gem. Visit the Hotel Shaffer next time you’re in that area of New Mexico!
Clark Waters
Posted at 12:11h, 20 JuneWell hold my beer and watch this !!! Very cool hotel, the decor inside and out really put you back in time for what was a rough and tumble era. I would like to see the hotel and check it out myself. Great pictures and reportage Mr. Pipes.
Posted at 02:26h, 21 Junethanks. It was a terrific place to explore and learn about. You would have enjoyed it as much as we did! Stay tuned for more cool stuff to come…
Susan Ambrose
Posted at 16:13h, 20 Junelooks like a really nice place to spend some time
Posted at 02:23h, 21 JuneThank you for your note….it was a cool little property for a quick 1-2 nighter when they get it ready. The mountains around that area are beautiful and fun to explore.
Myron K Geohagan
Posted at 17:13h, 20 JuneGreat story!
Posted at 02:21h, 21 JuneThanks and glad you enjoyed it! CP
Kathleen Martin
Posted at 20:39h, 20 JuneFascinating! Ed and Martina must be very YOUNG to take on a project of this magnitude…although it looks like it has been cared for in a special way over the years. It will be fun to watch the progress and someday visit it ourselves. Thanks, Pipes3 for sharing!
Posted at 02:20h, 21 JuneGlad you liked the reportage of this very cool place. Not sure of Ed & Martina’s age but they are not spring chicks but not old either….they are ambitious & enthusiastic about the undertaking! Nice folks and we’ll be checking in with them at a later date. Thanks for following along with us!
Jerry Wayne
Posted at 23:02h, 20 Juneswastikas still there?
I’d love to see this place
Posted at 02:16h, 21 JuneI think the German/Nazi stigma was wayy too much for them to continue even though they were early Native American symbols long before Hitler’s reign of terror. JAW I’d LOVE to have had you with us for that stopover. Thanks for following along!