08 Feb A few miles south of Bartow, FL
While we’re still in the central Florida area for our winter respite, we wanted to get out and around our home county (Polk) to revisit some of the nearby communities. Just about ten miles south of Bartow and 50 miles east of Tampa lies the small historic town of Fort Meade.
My memories of Fort Meade was that of a quick dash hideaway from my hometown to simply “get out of town”. The visits often involved hunting either quail or dove, a place to get a few beers without being of age or chase girls. All of these generally got me into trouble but fortunately typical small town hijinks. It was then and still very much now a busy blue collar community with the main occupations being agri related. Workers back in the 1960’s and 70’s were mostly working for the phosphate mines, the citrus industry, or perhaps ranching.
Bars like the old El Cid and others bustled back then especially on Friday nights – pay checks were cashed and the rough and tumble came out to play, drink and fight. I remember the huge guy that worked the door was the “peacekeeper” at the El Cid and he was not prone to hesitate when things got heated. Throwing punches, grabbing a collar and out they went! I suspect this scene has played out thousands of times over the many years of Fort Meade history.
The town was settled in 1849 and named after George Meade an Army Lieutenant serving in the Florida Seminole War and did the initial surveying for the road through that area. Being a true southerner, I’m sad to admit that Meade later joined the Union forces became a General and fought against General Robert E. Lee at the battle of Gettysburg, winning that battle. Of note, is the fact that future Confederate General Stonewall Jackson was stationed at the fort in 1851.
The town is still able to boast that approximately 300 homes still exist that are on the National Register of Historic Places… this is very cool and makes you wonder how incredible it would be to see all of them restored for everyone to enjoy!
The elevation (typical of Florida) is only 138′ above sea level…amazing to us when the consider the many places we’ve visited in the US with elevations exceeding 10,000′ elevations. The incredible flora/fauna, cultural differences and of course climates as we roam always add to our adventures.

The current population of Fort Meade is roughly 6,300 and has a healthy representation of ethnic groups. As I stated earlier, a busy and productive community of folks all working hard to make ends meet and finding time for family. In the fifty years since my time in Polk County I haven’t seen much change in the town at all. Some of the bars and restaurants have changed hands, been remodeled and in between there’s a few new businesses. I did enjoy turning onto West Broadway Street it looks updated, clean and prosperous. Further down the street was the Fort Meade Historical Museum, a small string of railroad cars on display and the old RR Depot.
Despite the four devastating fires over the towns 170 year history there’s still over 150 buildings that are designated as landmarks inside the city limits. One of these beauties is the 1886 Christ Episcopal Church on East Broadway Street. Kinda neat to just drive around and see a few of the very old places many of which are in need of TLC.. The style and architectural details still make you appreciate the early days in Florida. Many of the homes are in the typical old Florida Cracker style.
I suspect that the economic changes over the years, good and bad, have impacted the area, but like others it’s surviving and thriving. The citrus greening disease, the phosphate industry “moving on” and business climate fluctuations has stifled growth but new businesses moving into the area to the north of town are surely helping and are terrific to witness! The news about the expansion of the Peace River Citrus Company will bring many more higher paying jobs just up the road.
Over all the years the once mighty Peace River has ebbed and flowed it has clearly been the victim of the phosphate mining that scarred so much of the state. Still today the Peace River Trail a 2.5m trail is popular for the locals but upon inspection seems to now depict more ruin than majesty. Also a few miles north is the remains of the Kissengen Springs site where folks for many years including my parents and grandparents basked in the sun and enjoyed the cool spring waters that bubbled up and made a large natural swimming pool. Also many will remember the locally famous Sand Mountain that was built from the mining operations tailings… just a huge mountain of white sand for kids to climb onto then slide down on cardboard. The “mountain” of sand no longer exists but sure was fun for thousands of families over several years!
Home values seem to be very attractive in Fort Meade. I noticed a home built in 1901 that’s a huge 4,300 sf with five bedrooms and five baths offered for only $260K. Many fixer-uppers can be taken for much less for the more adventurous.
As a town, Fort Meade is a dang scrapper. I think in many respects its still fledgling but surely finding its place. Over its history it has managed to produce many a fine citizen and has served as the hometown for a plethora of wonderful families. A friendly spot on the central Florida map that still has much potential if it continues to embrace its history, properly manages code enforcement and provides the proper climate for business growth. We’ll surely be back again.
Keith Geohagan
Posted at 18:21h, 09 FebruaryWonderful memories in this area…..
Posted at 17:47h, 13 FebruaryThanks Keith and HBD to you! We enjoyed revisiting Fort Meade along with recently going out to Crooked Lake, Lake Buffam, Babson Park, etc. Looking forward to seeing you and Stephanie in April. CP and Liz
Sam And Barbara
Posted at 18:35h, 09 Februaryvery interesting. Main St. Ft. Mead looks like Center Street Fernandina did before they changed it in the 70’s. The cost was several million dollars to do that. Probably not possible for Fort Mead.
Posted at 17:45h, 13 FebruaryHello Sam and Barbara… always enjoy hearing from you guys. Yes, its a very small town and while I’m certain the financial resources are very limited for a huge downtown rebab its in very good visual shape overall. Its obvious to us that the community has embraced the downtown district and will continue to maintain and enhance at least we hope so! Might be seeing you guys this weekend…will try to catch you. Matt’s visiting from CO to Fernandina to attend a friends funeral so we’re gonna try and connect with him while he’e there… Best, Liz and Chris
Dale Encinosa
Posted at 18:38h, 09 FebruaryLove this story, Chris! Can’t tell you how many times my siblings and cousins from Frostproof climbed up Sand Mountain and slid down in the 50’s! So much fun! Hope you’ll scoot over to Frostproof and write about my sweet lil’ hometown!!! ❤️❤️
Posted at 17:38h, 13 FebruaryHi Dale – Good to hear from you! Thanks for your comments and we’ll have to see about getting over to Frostproof too. Hi to George for me. CP
Posted at 19:32h, 09 FebruaryCod, I have visited the fine town of Ft. Meade as well as a few of the establishments you mentioned. I had the pleasure of a turkey hunt there with a fine fellow and the hospitality of another. Your photography as usual is outstanding and I’m drawn to visit again with my lovely bride.
Posted at 17:36h, 13 FebruaryHello Ed – Thanks for being one of our most loyal followers! As always we appreciate your feedback too. Liz and Chris
eleanor watson
Posted at 22:06h, 11 FebruaryThat place on Sand Mountain road was A bar Bill and Ruth’s
Posted at 17:34h, 13 FebruaryReally? Do you remember the name? We bet there’s been many small such establishments in/around Fort Meade in it’s very long history! All the best, Chris & Liz
Marie Wheeler
Posted at 00:47h, 12 FebruaryThese pictures bring back many memories for me. Grew up there and graduated from Fort Meade High in 1963.
Thanks for sharing these pictures.
Posted at 17:32h, 13 FebruaryHello Marie – Thanks so much for your feedback. We’re glad you enjoyed….its a neat little town!
Priscilla Perry
Posted at 23:58h, 12 FebruaryThank you so much for posting about Fort Meade. We’re very proud of our town and things are improving and moving on up! Drop by the Museum during its regular hours and take a tour. Volunteers there are always ready to share the “newest old thing in town.” Industry is slowly finding its way to Fort Meade and families like to raise their children here. Again, thank you for sharing Polk County’s Oldest City with the world! Priscilla Perry
Posted at 17:30h, 13 FebruaryPricilla – Thanks so much for your comments! We are planning to get back down to visit the museum…I was intrigued while there but it was late in the day and already closed. The town does have soo much potential and as you suggest just needs to be “found”. As you know, I’m sure…too much litter and significant code violations going unchecked can “kill” a community. Hope that business and the chamber recognize the overwhelming importance of this. We hope you’ll follow along with us as we continue to roam the state and our beautiful country. Thanks again.
Bill Donahue
Posted at 17:02h, 13 FebruaryChris, A little history on Sand Mountain. Years ago when it was formed it was tailing sand, byproduct of mining phosphate rock. The technology at the time could only extract a particular grade of rock( phosphate ore) Years latter technology improved to the point that Sand Mountain was reminded producing several million tons of High Grade Ore! The rest is history! Enjoyed your article.
Bill Dinahue
Posted at 17:21h, 13 FebruaryVery interesting Bill, thanks for your comments and we’re glad to have you following along with us! Our next PipesTraveler.com “Meet-Up” is scheduled for Old Man Frank’s in Winter Haven on 02/25 at 5. Casual relaxing fun overlooking Lake Howard… open to all our friends & followers as well as friends of friends. Hope you’ll join us.