Long Overdue and Long Gone

Long Overdue and Long Gone

This post was planned for early January 2019 but the travel schedule and other unplanned events have totally goofed up getting this one out… I came across the photo collection and today finally getting it DONE. I think it’s worthy and that our readers will enjoy it.

While visiting family in the near Boston area (Fitchburg, MA) we set out on a very brisk walk up the road to do so some exploring….about a mile up the well-worn road we came to fenced pastures, farm ponds, old dilapidated barns. Basically rural countryside that was worthy of the effort. As we continued on up past the farm another half mile we noticed a few pieces of history…

We climbed the fence like watermelon thieves and quickly cut through the woods and pasture to get a better look….


We hope you enjoy looking at these relics from an earlier time….wondering if these are all earlier possessions from the prior generations of this same farming family… let us hear from you.

Chris Pipes

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