Living In The Moment

Living In The Moment

Only a few weeks into retirement I’ve become aware of a whole new world to explore. Liz used to tell me all the time…honey you HAVE to learn to live in the moment. I tried earlier but with the responsibilities of employment it was very difficult for me to embrace the concept. Like most people I was obsessed with what I needed to be doing or looking back, that I could rarely stop to live in that moment that I was current in. Weird.

Now with the job monkey off my back, I’m beginning to look up, around and with new focus. Conversations with strangers are now more lengthy and enjoyable. I’m inquisitive now like never before. Last night I attended a poker game here at this RV park that is our temporary home. I joined the game at 6pm in the community room with four guys I’d never met. All of them older and all long-retired. We had very little in common but I found myself hanging on every utterance. Weird. Note: the guys told me right off the bat they didn’t like wild cards and the game would be OVER at 8:30pm!

As I walk my dear friend, Pickle I’m stopping to enjoy the various plants and trees along the pathway. Checking out the growth characteristics, the foliage and trying to remember the names of some of the species I once knew. I’ve also been awakened to the weather, seasonal changes, and simple musty smells of the woodlands. I’m constantly reminded of my love for the outdoors where Liz and I have spent hundreds of days over the years camping, hiking and fishing. Those times were always short, 2-3 nights and on a rare occasion 4. Those trips were memorable – all of them for one reason or another.

We’re both  overjoyed at finally getting to this stage in our lives – a place we often thought was unattainable. The fog is clearing every day and we awake everyday with such renewed enthusiasm for “living in the moment”.

Chris Pipes
  • Barry Botwin
    Posted at 16:05h, 27 October Reply

    Wow, how interesting and insightful! Even though I am not yet in your position and still running hard on the career treadmill, I’m sure there is a way to incorporate even a small part of what you are experiencing and enjoying!! Thank you for the post!!

    • Chris Pipes
      Posted at 16:51h, 09 November Reply

      Hi Barry and thanks for your post….you’re making some terrific strides in your career so keep it rolling! Bank as much as possible and invest it carefully and you’ll be out here soon. Hi to the gang with BNI. Chris

    • PipesTraveler
      Posted at 17:03h, 09 November Reply

      Thanks Barry. Glad to have you follow along.. I know you’re still “making an impact” so keep it rolling…you’ll be out here with us in due time my friend! Take care and hi to our mutual BNI friends. Chris

  • Ellen Gray
    Posted at 17:02h, 27 October Reply

    Geez that sounds incredible. That’s my dream life.

    • Chris Pipes
      Posted at 16:52h, 09 November Reply

      Thanks Ellen. We’re having a ball, Hi to Jim for us.

    • PipesTraveler
      Posted at 17:05h, 09 November Reply

      Thanks Ellen, we are having a blast! Hi to Jim for us and keep in touch. Follow, comment, like, etc. All the best, Chris

  • Don Allison
    Posted at 18:25h, 27 October Reply

    Sounds divine.

    • Chris Pipes
      Posted at 16:54h, 09 November Reply

      Hi Don – Miss seeing you but glad to know you’re following us!

    • PipesTraveler
      Posted at 17:06h, 09 November Reply

      Hi Don – Thanks for following along…miss seeing you but enjoy keeping up with you via FB. Take care and let us hear from you… Chris

  • Tim
    Posted at 19:14h, 27 October Reply

    Great tale my brother. I can’t wait to join you one day. Enjoy life!!!!!

    • PipesTraveler
      Posted at 17:07h, 09 November Reply

      Thanks Tim. Hope you’ll be able to follow along with us as time allows… hi to the family, CP

  • Vicki Flyth
    Posted at 22:18h, 27 October Reply

    Enjoy every moment! You both deserve it!

    • PipesTraveler
      Posted at 17:10h, 09 November Reply

      Hi Vicki – We appreciate your comments. We’re having so much fun on the road and enjoying such a relaxed lifestyle. Please follow along as much as you can and George too. All the best, Chris & Liz

  • Richard Schwartz
    Posted at 16:25h, 28 October Reply

    Well put my friend. Looking forward to your next post! Love to Liz and Pickle

    • PipesTraveler
      Posted at 17:15h, 09 November Reply

      Sir Richard – We hope you’re doing good and still growing your business! Try to keep up and follow along as best you can as we love hearing from friends and fans…
      Our very best to you and Sharan

      Chris, Liz and Pickle

  • Clark Waters
    Posted at 13:02h, 01 November Reply

    What a great feeling it must be to finally reach that plateau in life. New adventures, new friends along the way and memories to fill your minds. It’s refreshing to hear how excited and hopeful this new avenue is for yourself and the current Mrs. Pipes. Keep the great information, photo’s and stories coming, I’ll live in the moment through Pipes Travelers until I join the ranks of retirement.
    Best of success and safe travels.
    Clark aka (Cod 1)

    • PipesTraveler
      Posted at 17:13h, 09 November Reply

      Hey Cod – Thanks so much for your support…as one of our “Friends” and a fan! We’re getting around to fun, exercise and learning everyday. Keep in touch. Cod2 and Red

  • Richelle Padgett
    Posted at 15:23h, 17 December Reply

    I love you guys❤️. Over the last couple of years as Liz and I talked about our loving retirement and waiting for the day when Chris could retire too. She would tell me the trepidation’s Chris had about “what will I do?” So happy to see you are doing it, relaxing, seeing God’s greatness and meeting all these different characters (oh I mean people?) along the way. Safe travels and see you in January.

    • PipesTraveler
      Posted at 21:05h, 06 January Reply

      Thanks Richelle! Please keep following along and giving us your feedback! Hope to see you again soon.

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